Glenmede Funds
Fundamental Equity
Equity Income ⁷ Portfolio
Strategic Equity Portfolio
Quantitatively Based
Quantitative U.S. Small Cap Equity ⁷ Portfolio
Quantitative International Equity⁴,⁷ Portfolio
Women In Leadership U.S. Equity ⁷ Portfolio
Environmental Accountability ⁷ Portfolio
Global Secured Options ⁷ Portfolio
Mutual Fund Investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible.
Performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value will change so that an investor’s shares when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance of the fund may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance of periods less than one year are cumulative and not annualized. Returns assume the deduction of fund expenses. Performance data current to the most recent Month- end can be obtained by calling 1-800-442-8299.
Before you invest in the Glenmede Funds please refer to the equity prospectus and/or bond prospectus and/or equity institutional class prospectus for important information about the investment company, including investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. You may also obtain a hard copy of the prospectus by calling 1-800-442-8299. The prospectus should be read carefully before you invest or send money. Related Literature and Disclosure Page.
Year to Date (YTD) returns are historical and are calculated by determining the percentage change in net asset value (NAV) with all distributions reinvested.
The Glenmede Funds are offered only to United States residents, and information on this site is intended only for such persons. Nothing on this website should be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell shares of any Glenmede Fund in any jurisdiction where the offer of solicitation would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. The Glenmede Funds are distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC. For further Fund disclosures please visit
- The Small Cap Equity Institutional Shares commenced operation on January 2, 1998; therefore performance listed for the Institutional Shares prior to the inception date (3/1/1991 through 1/1/1998) is based on the average total return for the Advisor Shares. Performance listed for the period of 1/2/1998 through 12/31/2015 is the average annual total return for the Institutional Shares.
- The Quantitative U.S. Large Cap Core Equity Institutional Shares commenced operation on December 30, 2015; therefore, performance listed for the Institutional Shares prior to the inception date (2/27/2004 through 12/29/2015) is based on the average total return for the Advisor Shares. Performance listed for the period of 12/30/2015 through 12/31/2016 is the average annual total return for the Institutional Shares.
- The Quantitative U.S. Large Cap Growth Equity Institutional Shares commenced operation on November 5, 2015; therefore performance listed for the Institutional Shares prior to the inception date (2/27/2004 through 11/5/2015) is based on the average total return for the Advisor Shares. Performance listed for the period of 11/5/2015 through 12/31/2016 is the average annual total return for the Institutional Shares.
- Quantitative International Equity shows annualized returns. Prior to 12/31/14, the Fund was sub-advised by Philadelphia International Advisors.
- The Quantitative U.S. Long/Short Equity Institutional Shares commenced operation on September 13, 2019; therefore, performance listed for the Institutional Shares prior to the inception date (09/29/06 through 9/13/2019) is based on the average total return for the Advisor Shares. Performance listed for the period of 9/13/2019 through 12/31/2019 is the average annual total return for the Institutional Shares.
- The Secured Options Institutional Shares commenced operation on November 9, 2016; therefore performance listed for the Institutional Shares prior to the inception date (6/30/2010 through 11/08/2016) is based on the average total return for the Advisor Shares. Performance listed for the period of 11/09/2016 through 3/31/2017 is the average annual total return for the Institutional Shares.
- Quantitative Small Cap Equity, Quantitative Large Cap Value Equity, Equity Income, Quantitative International Equity, Women in Leadership U.S. Equity, Environmental Equity, Quantitative U.S. Long/Short Equity, Quantitative U.S. Total Market Equity, and Global Secured Options have contractual management fee/expense waivers that continue through February 29, 2024. To the extent a Fund’s expenses were reduced by waivers, the Fund’s total returns were increased. In these cases, the Fund’s total returns would have been lower had there been no waivers.